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Author’s Checklist

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  • □  Sequence of title page, abstract and keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, references, and tables and figure legends. All pages should be numbered consecutively starting from the title page.
  • □  Title page : (1) manuscript title, (2) type of manuscript (Category), (3) full authors' names (first name family name) and affiliations, (4) information about funding sources, (5) corresponding author's name, address, telephone & fax numbers, and e-mail address, (6) short running head, and (7) conflicts of interest of all listed authors.
  • □  Abstract in structured format (Objectives; Methods; Results; and Conclusions) of 250 words maximum for original articles. Unstructured abstracts are allowed for other types of papers.
  • □  Key words with no more than 6 from the list provided in Index Medicus under "Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)."
  • □  Reference in proper format, numbered in order as cited in the text.
  • □  Tables and figures in separate pages for each with their titles and all tables and figure numbers should be found in the text.
  • □  Approval of IRB (When reporting results of human subjects or animal experiments) should be mentioned in the text.
  • □  A covering letter stating its scientific significance, the material has not been published previously, and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere.


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